Dean Ambrose Funny Face Dean Ambrose Adorable

5 Steps to Ensure Dean Ambrose Isn't Lost in WWE WrestleMania 33 Shuffle

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    Dean Ambrose was a major focal point heading into WrestleMania 32 last year.

    Dean Ambrose was a major focal point heading into WrestleMania 32 last year. Credit:

    Royal Rumble 2017 is right around the corner on Jan. 29, and WWE WrestleMania 33 isn't far behind. Several stars from both Raw and SmackDown Live are hungry to solidify their spots on the grandest card of the year, including Dean Ambrose.

    From winning the WWE Championship to being the first pick for SmackDown Live in the WWE draft, Ambrose had a strong 2016 from start to finish. He also had the honor of facing Brock Lesnar in a No Holds Barred Street Fight at WrestleMania 32, and although fans labeled their match a disappointment, few people can say they have faced The Beast Incarnate on such a stage.

    At the time, however, WWE was running short on star power with the likes of John Cena, Randy Orton and Seth Rollins injured, which forced officials to call upon midcard competitors to fill out the top of the card.

    With each of the aforementioned athletes now healthy, that might not bode well for Ambrose at this year's Show of Shows.

    Granted, The Lunatic Fringe has been a prominent fixture on Tuesday nights over the past several months, but Cena has since surpassed him as the top babyface on the program. Ambrose is embroiled in a ruthless rivalry with The Miz, but it's unknown how long that will last.

    As the new intercontinental champion, Ambrose should not be an afterthought at WWE's biggest event of the year, and thus, here are five ways to ensure he isn't lost in the WrestleMania shuffle.

Remaining a Top Priority on the SmackDown Brand

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    In the latter half of 2016, Ambrose was constantly in the main event mix. Whether he was defending the WWE Championship against Dolph Ziggler or attempting to regain the gold from AJ Styles, he was a permanent fixture in the title picture for the better part of last year on SmackDown Live.

    Once his rivalry with Styles culminated at TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs, Ambrose then set his sights on The Miz's Intercontinental Championship. However, that was far from a demotion for him, given the two have since headlined and opened several shows over the last month.

    That said, it's unlikely the feud will run through WrestleMania 33, and it shouldn't. Although each of their encounters has been entertaining, The Miz deserves to be slotted higher on the card at The Showcase of the Immortals following the fantastic year he had in 2016.

    Styles, John Cena, Undertaker, The Miz and potentially others will likely receive more focus (in addition to more television time) as WrestleMania draws near, but Ambrose can't afford to become a background player on the blue brand while he is still at the peak of his popularity.

    Ambrose is on the same level as those stars, so WWE should continue to spotlight him in the coming months. Maintaining the momentum he has had lately should prevent him from being relegated to the WrestleMania pre-show.

Defending Intercontinental Championship on a Regular Basis

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    Prior to just recently, the Intercontinental Championship had been nothing more than a WWE prop. A handful of Superstars' reigns with the belt were forgettable and didn't do anything to help elevate them to the next level or raise the status of the title itself.

    When The Miz regained the gold immediately following WrestleMania 32, he brought back importance to the title and made it a coveted championship for the first time in years. Thus, when Ambrose defeated him for the strap on the premiere edition of SmackDown Live in 2017, it was a major victory.

    If WWE plans on having The Miz return to the main event scene where he belongs, then taking the title off him makes sense. But Ambrose must keep the strong streak of the strap going by defending against all comers en route to WrestleMania 33.

    His first few reigns as United States and intercontinental champion weren't anything special because he put the title on the line so rarely, but that can't be the case this time around. If Ambrose is going to flourish as champion, especially during WrestleMania season, he has to have title defenses as often as The Miz did, which was nearly every week on SmackDown.

    For the past two years, the Intercontinental Championship has been up for grabs in ladder matches at WrestleMania. While both bouts served as exciting openers to the event, the title should be involved in a more marquee match this year, not in a contest where the objective is to "get everyone on the show."

Entering a Feud with a Notable Name

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    To ensure Ambrose isn't involved in yet another ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania, he needs to be part of a high-profile program heading into the event. Looking at the current landscape of the SmackDown Live roster, however, there aren't many fresh faces he can defend against.

    He and AJ Styles already contested a series of matches late last year, and the newly turned Dolph Ziggler previously faced Ambrose at SummerSlam 2016. There is the chance the Ambrose and Miz rivalry lasts through WrestleMania, but it will be difficult to drag it out until then.

    Baron Corbin is perhaps the only other heel on the roster who could face Ambrose for the title on the grand stage. Although Corbin isn't a certified main event player just yet, this would provide The Lone Wolf with the opportunity to break out by becoming a champion for the first time.

    Even still, that feud would be buried underneath everything else on the show, whereas a program with John Cena would be positioned higher on the card. Ambrose and Cena had bad blood during their respective pursuits of the WWE Championship late last year, which planted the seeds for a future feud between them.

    Cena appears to be primed to face Undertaker at WrestleMania 33, but as is always the case in wrestling, plans can change. Besides, the intercontinental title is the last remaining championship Cena hasn't won, so the story writes itself.

Cutting Out the Comedy

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    Few fans thought Ambrose would emerge as a popular fan favorite coming out of The Shield, especially considering he has always seemed to be a natural heel. To his credit, though, he adjusted to the role well and quickly evolved into a believable babyface.

    He thrives while in chase mode, and his scrappy underdog persona is easy to rally behind, but one major criticism of his character at the moment is that he relies too much on campy comedy. He sometimes can be funny with what he says or does, but more often than not, he gets too cute with his comedy, which falls flat as a result.

    A prime example is on The Ambrose Asylum, where he jokes around with his opponents and never takes anything seriously. Nothing he does characterizes him as crazy or unhinged; he's simply a goofball.

    There is a time and a place for that type of stuff, but not when he is embroiled in an intense rivalry with AJ Styles or The Miz. Ambrose has shown in the past he can be money when he takes a more serious approach to his promos, which is why his heated confrontations with John Cena last year were so spectacular.

    If he sticks to the comedy heading into WrestleMania 33, no one will buy him as a legitimate threat—similar to when he "stole" the Intercontinental Championship two years ago or treated dangerous weapons like toys before his bout with Brock Lesnar.

Further Developing an Aggressive Edge

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    While he is cutting out the comedy from his act, Ambrose should simultaneously develop a more aggressive edge as well. A heel turn is inevitable for him, but now wouldn't be the right time, given the abundance of bad guys on Tuesday nights.

    In the meantime, he should ditch The Ambrose Asylum and instead unleash havoc on anyone who dares to challenge him for his Intercontinental Championship. If WWE is going to refer to him as The Lunatic Fringe as often as it does, it would be best if the company began to tap into his character's darker side.

    Considering he has been betrayed by the likes of Seth Rollins and James Ellsworth over the years, Ambrose should be a lot less trusting than he is. He was known for being completely unpredictable during his time on the independent scene as Jon Moxley, and we see shades of that unhinged side of him when he competes in hardcore matches such as Hell in a Cell and TLC.

    John Cena successfully rejuvenated his stagnant character by staying serious in his promos, and Ambrose should follow suit. Again, we have witnessed Ambrose at his most ruthless on a few occasions in recent months, but consistency is key.

    Ambrose has to stand out from the rest of the roster, specifically on the babyface side, if he hopes to leave his mark on the Road to WrestleMania 33 and be involved in something worthwhile. If he fails to evolve as a character, WWE could well overlook him at The Show of Shows in favor of Superstars with more momentum.

    Graham Mirmina, aka Graham "GSM" Matthews, is a Digital Journalism major at Endicott College. Visit his website, Next Era Wrestling and "like" his official Facebook page to continue the conversation on all things wrestling.

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