Funny Cartoon Fight the Flu Naturally

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We will take a look as soon as we can.

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #Dilbert, #Dogbert, #idaho, #flu, #healthy, #perfectly, #work

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Dilbert sits at his desk. Dogbert asks, "Have you heard about the Idaho flu that's going around?" Dogbert continues, "At first you feel perfectly healthy . . . Then bam, you die." Dilbert pulls on his tie and says, "Hey, I feel perfectly healthy right now." Dogbert walks away thinking, "My work here is done."

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We will take a look as soon as we can.

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #Dogbert, #mild, #flu, #normally, #survive, #brief, #developed, #empathy, #die, #afford, #ambassador, #class, #service

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Dogbert says to a patient on the examining table, "You have a mild flu, and normally you would survive." Dogbert continues, "However, in this brief visit I've developed no real empathy for you, so I've decided to let you die." The man asks, "Is there anything I can do?!" Dogbert replies, "Well . . . Unless you can afford my new 'Ambassador Class' service."

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We will take a look as soon as we can.

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #flu, #germs, #fly through air, #sneezed, #tissue, #sick, #ill, #contagious, #office illness, #medical

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An unnamed flunky says, "Don't worry about my flu, Alice. Germs don't fly through the air." He sneezes so hard his tissue is blown out of his hand. Aachooo! He looks at Alice and says, "Remember, germs don't fly through the air." ALice's hair is pushed back as if in the middle of a wind storm. She pushes up her sleeves, preparing to punch the guy and says, "Yours are gonna."

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We will take a look as soon as we can.

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #free flu shots, #wealth stock holders, #hunt down, #shoot flu darts, #not flu prevention shits

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Catbert is standing at the entrance to Wally's cubicle. Catbert tells him, "The company is giving free flu shots, Wally." A man holding a rifle, wearing safari gear and glasses, reminiscent of Teddy Roosevelt, stands next to Catbert. Catbert continues, "The shots will be delivered by wealthy stockholders who will hunt you down and shoot you with flu darts." Wally, with the barrel of the rifle pointed in his back, asks, "At least I won't get the flu, right?" Catbert replies, "You're probably thinking of the flu prevention shots."

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We will take a look as soon as we can.

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #flu darts, #stockholders, #benefit of stockholders, #not employees, #401k stock, #not real, #boss says not real

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Wally is standing in front of the Boss' desk. There are four darts in Wally's back. The Boss tells him, "No one likes being hunted down and shot with flu darts, Wally." He continues, "But remember: companies are managed for the benefit of stockholders, not employees." Wally responds, "I own stock. It's in my 401(K) account." The Boss counters, "I'm not supposed to tell you, but none of that is real."

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We will take a look as soon as we can.

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #Dilbert, #hospital, #doctor, #computer, #bed, #flu

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Dilbert sits on an examining table wearing only his underwear. He asks, "Is it the flu?" The doctor looks at a chart and says, "Hmm . . ." The doctor says, "I had the computer run an economic report on the market value of your organs." The doctor continues, "I could make thousands of dollars by selling your parts for transplants." The doctor continues, "Of course, this is all moot unless you die in my office while under my care." The doctor says, "But if I let you die from the flu then my malpractice insurance will go up again." The doctor continues, "But if you live I can continue to bill you for unnecessary tests." The doctor continues, "There's a slight economic advantage to keeping you alive . . . If you leave three pints of blood and do me a little favor." Back at home, Dilbert lies face down on the bed. He tells Dogbert, "Then I had to wax his Jeep with my clothes." Dogbert replies, "Apparently he didn't know what kind of fabrics you wear."

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Hmm. Something went wrong. We will take a look as soon as we can.

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Tags #computer screen, #fuzzy, #fiddling, #stop working, #flu season, #clean screen, #handkerchief

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The Boss calls to Dilbert as he stands in the doorway of his office. "Thanks to you, my computer screen is all fuzzy now!" Dilbert continues walking, wondering to himself what the Boss was talking about. The Boss is irritated with Dilbert and with both arms raised he says, "You're always fiddling with something that makes something else stop working." Dilbert replies, "Don't clean your screen with your handkerchief during flu season." The Boss answers with both hands on his hips, "Stop changing the subject."


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